University of Information Technology

Business Intelligence

Course Description

Business Intelligence (BI) is the application of software technologies that enables business users to make better and faster decisions based on enterprise data. This course concentrates on the concepts, practices and tools used to successfully deploy Business Intelligence system. Basic skills on how to build and manage a data warehouse platform for business intelligence applications will be covered.

The aims of this course are:

  • To understand knowledge of business intelligence system.
  • To describe data warehouse and business intelligence development processes.
  • To learn analytical components and technologies used to create dashboards and scorecards.
  • To generate BI reports by using business intelligence tools.

Intended Learning Outcomes

Upon the successful completion of this course, students should be able to:

  • understand how to design and evaluate business intelligence systems.
  • apply the components of a business intelligence solution with the data warehouse.
  • discuss the processes, techniques, and technology related to business intelligence applications.
  • produce BI report with the business intelligence tools.

Text and References Books


  1. Successful Business Intelligence Secrets to Making BI a Killer app, by Cindi Howson, 2008
  2. Business Intelligence and Analytics: Systems for Decision Support, Global Edition ,by Efraim Turban, Ramesh Sharda, Dursun Delen, Global Edition, 2014


  1. Fundamentals of Business Intelligence, by Grossmann, Wilfried, Rinderle-Ma, Stefanie, 2015
  2. Business Intelligence and Data Mining, by Anil Maheshwari ,Publisher: Business Expert Press, ISBN: 9781631571206

Assessment system

Evaluation Marks Percentage
Class participation 10 Marks 10%
Tutorial 10 Marks 10%
Assignments/Discussions 10 Marks 10%
Project 10 Marks 10%
Final Examination 60 Marks 60%